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Sarah Michelle NP Reviews (SMNP)
Nurse Practitioner Blog

At SMNP Reviews, we believe in empowering our NP community with the knowledge and skills they need to become successful, confident nurse practitioners. That’s why we’ve created this blog to provide you with all the resources you need to stay up to date with the latest and greatest information to help you excel in your career. Our goal is to make your lives easier by creating a hub where you can find, explore, and delve into the plethora of resources we offer.

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Sarah Michelle NP Reviews is Now Powered by Blueprint Test Prep

What do we always say at Sarah Michelle NP Reviews? “You will pass!” And SMNP Reviews students are doing just that, with a >99% pass rate! But the learning and education don’t stop when you pass your NP boards. That’s just the next step in your evolution as a lifelong learner. To support you in this