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Ep #17: The Power of Coaching with Lauren Stackpole [NEW NP]

As a student, one of the biggest shifts we experience is the role transition that’s on the horizon as we look towards becoming an NP, and it inevitably requires some mindset work and management. This is exactly why so many of my review courses have mindset work embedded into them, and I’ve got the perfect guest to guide us through this topic today. 

Lauren Stackpole is both an NP and a life and mindset coach, and I instantly felt connected to her as I watched her share her work on Instagram, so I know you will too as you listen in today. So many of us – including myself and Lauren – have had a misguided notion of what the personal development space really entails, so Lauren is debunking some myths to show us how she really helps her clients. 

If coaching is something you’ve thought of as “fluffy” or “frou-frou,” I invite you to think again and tune in this week with an open mind. Lauren is showing us exactly why harnessing an intentional mindset is essential, and how it helps you show up better for yourself and your patients. 

I have communities available for both students and new nurse practitioners. In these communities, we work to uplift one another and grow this profession together every single day. If this kind of support is what you need, I invite you to join! Click here if you’re a student, and click here if you’re a new NP.

What You Will Discover:

  • What led Lauren to the coaching work she does with women today.
  • The work that Lauren does with her clients when it comes to their mindset.
  • Why mindset work is not “fluffy” or optional. 
  • The power of being intentional about your mindset. 
  • A walkthrough of what it’s like to be coached. 
  • The most common limiting beliefs Lauren sees in the NP profession. 
  • What it means to live in alignment and how to do so.

Featured on the Show:

Full Episode Transcript:

Welcome to Becoming a Stress-Free Nurse Practitioner, a show for new NPs and students that want to pass their board exam the first time and make that transition from RN to NP as seamless as possible. I’m your host Sarah Michelle. Now, let’s dive into today’s episode.

Hey friends, for those of you who started this journey with me as students you know that a lot of my review courses have mindset work ingrained into them even if you didn’t fully realize it at the time when you were a student. I really wanted to go ahead and be thinking about and affirming for yourself that massive role transition to come because it’s going to be one of the biggest shifts you’ll make in your entire career.

But while that is really where the mindset shift begins for many of you that doesn’t have to be where it ends. Which is exactly why I thought we’d spend this episode talking to a friend of mine from Instagram, Lauren, also known as your coach Lauren, who is both a nurse practitioner and a life and mindset coach.

I’ve been watching Lauren show so much of both her heart and her work on Instagram and instantly felt connected with her, so I know you guys are going to be too. So, Lauren, welcome to the show. I got to always have my guest start off with just a little introduction to your nursing and nurse practitioner journey and how you really ended up here before you got into this coaching realm.

Lauren: Yeah, well first off thanks for having me. I’m excited to just have a conversation because I felt the same way. I don’t know who found who first, but I just felt like we connected right away, and I was like, “I want more of this woman in my life.”

So, goodness, I’ve been a nurse for eight years and a nurse practitioner for three. And I knew pretty early in my nursing role that I wanted more autonomy with my patients. I worked night shift to start out, like a lot of us do, and I quickly realized I didn’t want to have convince anybody else that my patients needed something, I wanted to give them what they needed.

So I went back to school and I work in internal medicine now. And when I was starting, well I was almost done with grad school. So I was working full-time as a nurse, I had my one year old baby, I was in full-time grad school and I decided I’m going to become an online coach. Because, you know, that’s a perfect time to add things to your plate.

But, you know, I’m that type of person, if I want to do something I’m going to do it. So I started initially with health and fitness coaching. And what I realized was the women that were getting really awesome results and actually hitting their goals were the ones that were going deeper with me. And they were the ones really getting clear on why these goals were important to them in the first place, we were kind of tackling limiting beliefs and identifying roadblocks, and doing that heart work, right?

And I got to the point pretty recently that I decided this is all I want to do. I want to go deep with women, and I want to empower them, and I want to help clear those roadblocks so that they can achieve anything they want in life.

So it really just opened up to the mindset work that I do with my clients now real recently because I just became so passionate that this is what we need. You know, this is the missing piece to any goal in life, and I don’t want it to be just health and fitness related, I want it to be related to every area of our life.

Sarah: Yeah, absolutely. You sound a lot like me because I’m like as soon as I have an idea, I’m ready to execute it. Like I don’t care how many things I have on my plate, like I am ready to go.

Lauren: Yeah, and I think part of that is working in healthcare too, like you see too often that people get that unexpected diagnosis or, you know, that unexpected call. It’s just you have that constant reminder that life is short so why would we wait.

Sarah: Oh, I can feel that on an even deeper level because I was an oncology nurse for five years.

Lauren: Oh wow, yes. Yes.

Sarah: I was constantly confronted with the fragility of my own life and kind of how that looks. And, you know, I just always felt so bad for people like getting a cancer diagnosis at 35 years old. And it can be a life ending diagnosis and they’re like, I wish I had done this, this, and this. So I work really hard in my own life, if there’s something I want to do, I’m going to do that something.

Lauren: I agree, and I think the more people that show up that way, like more people like you doing that gives permission to other women because they see leading the way of, “Oh, she’s not waiting for the perfect time or perfect circumstances, she’s going for it.” And it just gives other people permission to do the same thing.

Sarah: Yeah, there is absolutely no perfect time to have a test prep company, especially when you’re before 30. So that is like my ultimate example of me just going for it and seeing what happened. And you all can see this beautiful company I’ve created, and all these reviews, and all this wonderful stuff that has come from taking that initiative even though I was a little bit scared to do it too.

Lauren: I love that.

Sarah: So I think to start off this episode we first have to debunk a little bit in a sense. Because I feel like some of our listeners that are kind of out of this scope will hear mindset work and think of like some shambled version of a self-help book. Which is really not what we’re talking about in any capacity. So can you just briefly describe the work that you’re doing with clients when it comes to their mindset?

Lauren: Yeah. So I can definitely agree with that, I used to think anything in the personal development space, I had this mental picture of a woman in a bookstore, in that self-help aisle just like crumpled on the floor, make-up running from her just sobbing, like a hot mess, right? And I did not want any part of that. I wanted to be someone who was well respected, and high achieving, and making an impact, and I don’t need any of that fluffy stuff, you know?

Well, the joke was on me because as you open your mindset and learn these techniques your world opens up. And all that working on your mindset means is it is that inner work because truly the things that we think in our mind become emotions and the actions that we take. And the actions that we take day after day become the habits of our life, and our habits build our future.

So truly our mindset and where things start in our brain becomes our life. And I take that seriously because if we’re intentional about our mindset we can be intentional about the life we create.

Sarah: I absolutely love that. As you were over there talking about your thoughts kind of create your actions, which create like pretty much your entire life and universe I wanted to be like, “Preach. Amen, absolutely.”

And the joke was absolutely on me as well because all the stuff that I thought was frou-frou has really been a lot of the stuff that’s brought me the most joy in my life too.

Lauren: I agree, yeah. And I won’t get too woo woo on here because I know people are kind of new to this so I’m not going to be leading you through inner child work and meditation things yet.

But it can start so simple and my first shift I was somebody who had a really fixed mindset and thought that it was, you know, you’re talented in these areas and that’s it. And I didn’t have the foresight to see, oh, things can grow and change.

You know, you can put the work in, and things can evolve. And just because you grew up a certain way or are in a culture or, you know, all these external things have developed you in a certain way, you can change it. You can change the rules because they’re not written in stone.

Sarah: No, you’re never stuck.

Lauren: Exactly.

Sarah: That’s something I worked through a lot too. And I’ve been doing a lot of my own mindset work in this last year, since opening this business it’s really kind of opened my eyes to a lot of things. I think I was just like so nose to the grandstand before because I was working two jobs, and I was going to school. And so you get very fixed very quickly.

Lauren: Absolutely.

Sarah: But to be able to have that flexibility with my business, it’s been a really awesome thing for me. And I think it really has kind of leaked into my business too. And even how I talk to students, because I just feel so much better about myself and my own life.

Lauren: Absolutely. And I think people who go into healthcare, you know, they have this desire to help people. You know, they want to make a difference. But unfortunately, the way that healthcare is, is you end up being burnt out, and cynical, and spread thin. And it’s like you’re burning the candle at both ends trying to take care of your patients and your family.

And it’s like we take care of everyone but ourselves. And giving ourselves permission to take care of ourselves too is a big shift. And learning that we’re worthy of that. Because I know a lot of women, a lot of health care providers, a lot of moms who don’t want to do those things. They don’t want to take time to spend time alone, or to take a bath, or to go to therapy, you know, we don’t take time for ourselves.

But I try to preach from the rooftops that the better you take care of you, the better you take care of other people. And the most selfless thing you can do is to have yourself together, because how are you going to help someone else if you’re bleeding out, right?

Sarah: Absolutely. If you are absolutely exhausted and burnt beyond capacity, how can you give to your patients? And how can you show up in the way that you want to show up, but also need to show up for those patients as well?

Lauren: Exactly. And then you go home at the end of the day and you want to give something to your family too. You know, you want to have something left.

Sarah: Yeah. I think you shared, was it like a reel the other day on Instagram, where you were showing filling up the cups?

Lauren: Yeah, I thought that was a powerful visual. So it’s, you know, I had a cup in my hand and pouring it into three separate cups. And then they had a little bit in them, and my cup was empty. And basically, I said, “There’s a better way.” And stacked the cups and poured my cup full and it overflowed into the other cups. Because it’s so true, we all get to be full, we all get to have everything.

Sarah: If you’ll put in an order to do so, which I know mindset work can be really tough. And I would say, I don’t want to say it’s impossible to do on your own, it’s a lot harder to do on your own. And so I really don’t feel like my listeners, most of them at least, are intimately aware of what kind of coaching and mentorship look like. So can you kind of walk us through what it’s like to be coached?

Lauren: Yeah, so I kind of stumbled into it by accident doing this. Because again, I was helping people with their workouts, and their meal plans, and things like that. And I quickly found out it has nothing to do with the food. It has nothing to do with the workouts. It has everything to do with what you think you’re capable of, what you think you’re worthy of.

And I know when I started my personal development journey, I didn’t know where to start. But thankfully, I had a mentor who said, “Here, if you’ve never done any type of personal development, here’s a good book to start with and this is a good podcast to listen to.”

And having someone who has been where you are, I mean this applies to everything. Having a person who’s further along than you on their journey, they don’t need to be a million steps ahead, they can be 10 steps ahead, they can be two steps ahead. But having someone ahead of you who’s been there, they know the roadblocks and how to overcome them. They know your pain points because they’ve lived them.

And they can help you take the easy road instead of stumbling and trying to figure it out yourself. It’s like being handed the cheat sheets. And I mean, especially with what you do, oh my goodness, like you’re literally handing them the cheat sheets.

So yeah, just having a person, they have that outside perspective, too. So it’s not like they’re your sister or friend who’s involved in your personal life. You know, having that coach and that mentor, it is that outside role of, you know, “I’m not judgmental, you can tell me anything. I’m here for you to support you no matter what because I believe that you can do anything.”

You know, it’s like the ultimate cheerleader, the ultimate support, that outside perspective, that wisdom because they’ve been there done that. And they hand you the tools so that you don’t have to get lost in, especially today with the internet having ads for literally everything all the time, you can get lost and confused. So if you have someone to hand you the tools and say here is what you need to know.

Sarah: And to be able to have someone to challenge your thoughts as well and your own perspectives. And maybe those negative thought loops that you’ve gotten into over and over and over. Because I fell into this coaching world, I won’t say it was by accident either, but I did it because of my business.

And I was like, “You know, I want to grow my business but I’m a one woman show. I don’t really, like I know what I’m doing but I know I could do better. I know there’s more resources out there.” But every week like she works with me and just almost like I feel like I’m getting more mindset coaching these days than business coaching because we’ve been coaching together for six months. And so we have to work a lot through my own negative thoughts and how to challenge those thoughts. So then I can then change them for myself, which is going to change my entire life as a whole. I hope that makes sense.

Lauren: Absolutely. And it does, it always starts with the practical, because that’s what most people are looking for. But being able to spot those blinders that people have or notice those patterns and just recognize them. And basically, as a mentor, you know, I help people have those aha moments themselves.

You know, I’m not here to just preach it them. I’m here to help them realize what they need to. You know, it’s just creating space for someone and offering that support. You know, it’s like I give the resources, I create the accountability, I create the space for you. But you show up and do the work so that on the other side is they’ve had this huge transformation. They are so proud of themselves because they did the work.

Sarah: Yeah. At the end of the day, it was all them.

Lauren: Exactly. That’s it, yeah. To me it’s the best job in the world because you just get to watch people light up and see their passion come back and see them have more confidence in themselves. It’s amazing.

Sarah: That’s exactly how I feel about it about review courses too. Like at the end and they’re like, “I passed my exam, I felt so good about it.” I’m like, “Oh, like I was so glad to be able to guide you here.” And they’re like, “Thank you so much.” And I’m like, “No y’all, like you did the work. This is all you that did this thing.”

Lauren: You did it, yeah.

Sarah: So it’s such a powerful thing to see.

Lauren: It really is so, so rewarding.

Sarah: What do you feel like are some pretty common limiting beliefs that you see like in the nurse practitioner profession specifically? And maybe what are some things we can be doing to overcome those too?

Lauren: I think most of it comes back to that imposter syndrome more than anything. I think people think like who am I to do this? Or who am I to have this role or make these decisions? And then, you know, it’s easy as a mid-level provider to compare yourself to the doctors with 30 years’ experience and think, “Oh, wait, I don’t know anything.”

Yeah, I think the two I hear the most is like, who am I? And I don’t know enough. And again, I think the more you learn about any topic, the more aware you become of what you don’t know.

And what I try to tell my clients when they have any type of imposter syndrome or they’re stepping into a new role in their life in any area is I have them go through an exercise where they write out a qualification list.

And it basically is paper in front of you where you write out why am I qualified to do this work. And obviously, as a nurse practitioner, you have gone through years of schooling, you have passed countless exams and quizzes, and done all of this work, all of this studying. And then you have a certification, you know, you’ve passed your board, so you are literally qualified.

Outside of that I challenge people to go deeper too to think, okay, what are your personal experiences that qualify just you as an individual? I want to know, you know, did you grow up in a poverty stricken area, so that you, you know, relate to a really specific population? Do you speak a second or third language where you can serve clients that can’t speak English? Have you had a family member get sick or pass away, and you know the personal side.

You know, what part of you that makes you you, qualifies you? Because it can be so easy to have those broken parts, those scars, those things that we try to hide away from, that we’re not always proud of, and realize, wait, this has put me through so much. I have learned, I have grown, and I’m better for it.

And when you can own your story, all of it, not just the pretty pieces but the messy pieces too, you realize that you are called for this life. You are called for exactly the path that’s set out for you. And you are qualified and it’s so beautiful when you can listen to your experiences and it just it builds so much confidence.

And I love that section of my program because my clients tell me the same thing when they get to it. They say, “Oh, all of these hard things I went through actually prepared me.” I’m like, “Yeah, they did.” But again, it’s letting them have that aha moment. It’s so, so powerful.

Sarah: And for them to just realize like nobody ends up in this profession by accident. Like it’s not like you just wake up one day and you’re a nurse practitioner like, “What in the world happened to me?” Like you went to nursing school, you worked as a nurse, you went to nurse practitioner school. Like you are prepared for this moment.

Lauren: You intentionally chose this.

Sarah: Yeah, this is not just thrown upon you. It’s not a fluke. It was not a mistake. And I love too, like I always call that, I do the same thing when I’m talking to people after they pass and they’re kind of in that imposter syndrome panic is what I like to call it. And I’m like well go back to your list of tangibles, just like we did before the exam. Like you wrote down your list of tangibles to be like these are things I did prepare so I know I’m going in will prepared.

So I’m like, so you create the same thing for your practice. Like these are all the things I’ve done that led me to this moment and got me here. But I love you add on the piece too, about what’s individual to them, and what they specifically bring to the table. Because I feel like a lot of people just forget that portion altogether. And it’s so important.

Lauren: They try to hide, yeah, from the individuality piece. And that’s what makes you qualified to the other girl who just passed her boards, right?

Sarah: Exactly.

Lauren: She didn’t grow up where you grew up, she doesn’t have the experiences you do. So you need to own that.

Sarah: So you bring so much to the table, yes.

Lauren: Exactly. And another piece I want to mention too, is really reminding yourself why you started in the first place. Because you mentioned, you know, you didn’t do this by accident.

Why, honestly, why did you start this journey at all? And getting clear on, you know, you chose this for a reason. Let’s get clear on that deeper reason, and not just “Oh, I wanted to make more money than an RN.”  No, like you don’t work in healthcare for money. Like let’s get deep and when you are clear on why you’re doing it, that can motivate you too.

Sarah: Yeah, and when you’re struggling, you can come back to that why too. And actually that was an exercise they did with me my first day of nursing school. They’re like, “We want everybody to write our why’s on like a note card. And whatever you look at the most, your planner, your binder, whatever it is, you put that there because this is going to be a tough experience. And you always want to be able to come back to that.

So I reflect on that so much because even just looking at like that little note card gave me so much peace when the days were really tough.

Lauren: That’s beautiful. Do you remember what you wrote?

Sarah: I talked a lot about, so I became an oncology nurse, as I said earlier, because my grandmother had had lung cancer and I watched that and how that had kind of transpired from her getting diagnosed and she was already stage four, and then eventually her going to hospice.

And there were these wonderful, beautiful nurses at the cancer center where she was diagnosed. And so they took care of not only her, but they took care of me at the same time because I was there with her. And I’m from eastern Kentucky so everybody is really tight knit and when somebody gets a cancer diagnosis like everybody shows up at the hospital and stays. Like that’s just part of the culture here. And so my why was to be able to be that for somebody else.

Lauren: That’s beautiful.

Sarah: That really pushed me through, and I ended up actually working at the same Cancer Center where she was diagnosed in the end.

Lauren: What a beautiful story, wow.

Sarah: Yeah, like I came full circle.

Lauren: Thank you for sharing that. That’s really, really beautiful. But I mean, that’s a perfect example of why it’s powerful to have a why. Because that reason, becoming that nurse for another family will absolutely help you push through on the hard days, because that’s worth it.

Sarah: The fuel, it just gives you the boost.

Lauren: Yeah. Having the license or the degree on the wall, that means nothing, but knowing that you get to show up for people in that way is huge.

Sarah: Yeah, absolutely. And I actually even did that in nurse practitioner school. But it was a little bit different because I literally had, I probably said this on a podcast episode before, but I always told my husband like when I went back to nurse practitioner school, I was like, “Well, I could work as an NP, but I really feel called to be a nursing educator.” And I was like, “I really love doing that, I really love working with students. So at the end of the day, even if I get this degree and it only makes me a better teacher, it was hands down worth it to me.”

And so I came back to that a lot to like, I want to be a better educator. Like I want to serve my students better, be able to show up better, and have the knowledge base to support all of that too.

Lauren: Beautiful, and you’re doing it. I mean, you’re living that dream.

Sarah: Thank you. It’s been an amazing dream to watch like unfold on such a larger scale than I even could have imagined in the beginning.

Lauren: That’s what’s cool when you really just pursue your passion and say yes to those scary things. It’s almost like it takes on a life of its own because it’s what you’re meant for, right?

Sarah: Yes.

Lauren: It just expands, and it turns out better than you could have even dreamed up.

Sarah: Absolutely. I totally agree. And then maybe a little bonus question for this, I always like to throw in bonus questions. People are like, “Bonus question?” I’m like, “On topic, but off topic at the same time. I want to ask this person this question.”

Lauren: Go for it.

Sarah: So how do you feel like we can best live in alignment? And what does that kind of look like if that’s a concept that you haven’t heard of before or you’re not really intimately aware of.

Lauren: So, I actually have a long podcast on my own and an IGTV that I spoke with a friend of mine on living in alignment. Because we had both recently made that shift of kind of like switching the type of business that we did.

The best way I can describe it if this is a new concept to somebody. So have you ever had someone ask you to do something and you wanted to say no, but you said yes, and you felt that inner cringe?

Sarah: Yes.

Lauren: That’s the opposite of living in alignment. We want to go away from that inner cringe. To me, living in alignment is when you can have that almost like a deep exhale. Like you can finally like relax fully. And it’s just this sense of calm and peace knowing that you’re doing what’s right for you.

It takes time to really learn how to tune in and listen to what you want and what you need. But it feels like this resounding yes. It really does. I told myself, I won’t get too woo woo, but you asked this question. So recently I did a Human Design reading with a Reiki practitioner.

And it was really, really interesting just to see, you know, how am I designed? And learning so many details about, you know, things that I knew about myself, but kind of affirming the types of my personality and how I find success and what feels natural. And all these things more than just introvert extrovert type of personality things.

And it’s interesting to learn more about yourself. And the whole mindset work, the personal development journey, it’s really just coming home to you. Who you are, what you need, what you want, what your desires are, what your values are, and saying yes to those things.

It’s so easy to go through the motions and check boxes and just follow what other people are doing, what our culture is doing, what society says you should do, what your family says you should do. And all of a sudden, we wake up miserable when we have the successful career and the house and the family and the cars and we’re not happy. Because we’re not doing what our heart wants and needs.

Sarah: Yeah.

Lauren: And to me if you’re not living in alignment, what’s the point? So to me, it’s everything. It’s just slowing down, taking the time to tune in and listen to your heart of what you want and need. And saying yes.

Sarah: Saying yes to the things that make you feel good, yeah.

Lauren: Yeah, the same way that you felt that nudge to educate people and do this work. And that’s when the synchronicities happen. When you take that leap of faith and you say yes to those things desires.

That’s when God, the universe, whatever you believe in, fills in those gaps. And you notice these synchronicities of all of a sudden you bump into that person from forever ago that happens to know so and so that gets to your dream job. You know, it’s these little things that just you don’t know how they happen but it’s the way it was meant to be.

Sarah: Yeah, creating the life you want. Instead of the life like people expect you to have or think you should have, like it’s all about you as a person, what you want. And I don’t want too woo woo either, but I just did the human design thing myself, and I found it incredibly interesting. But I did not do it through a Reiki practitioner. So we might have to talk after this about how to get connected.

Lauren: Yes, I will, I will.

Sarah: Actually, I saw it was another person on Instagram who does this awesome business podcast and it’s all about like female empowerment. So if there are any guys out there listening, I’m sorry. And she is a seven-figure business coach, and she is all about human design. And I was like, “Huh, I’m interested.” Obviously, like she’s successful, I don’t think she’s woo woo so I’m going to check it out. And it was really interesting just to have so much more insight into myself.

Lauren: Really, it’s just learning how you’re wired, instead of fighting it. And I think it makes it so easy to find success when you know what you need to be successful. Because what works for you won’t work for me. I mean, we were joking before this, just to give you a little behind the scenes, she was saying, “I’m going to send you an outline for the podcast.” And I said, “An outline?” Because I have a podcast, I’ve never written an outline in my life. I just hit record. I’ve never edited a podcast, I hit record, and I post that sucker, the end.

Sarah: It’s a different field.

Lauren: So what works for her and her personality will not work for me. And if we try to just shove these, you know, circles through these square sized holes, we’re going to feel so out of alignment. We have to learn what do I need, what is right for me? And do those things. And that’s where you’re going to find not only more happiness, more joy, but more success. It’s going to feel, when people talk about being in the flow and feeling like it’s more natural, that’s what that is.

Sarah: That’s what I always tell people about this business actually, I was like, I just feel like so in the groove of my life. Like I’ve never loved something as much as I love this. I was like, even if I work 100 hours a week, which I’m getting better at work life balance and work life boundaries. But I was like, “Even if I work 100 hours a week, like I truly love everything that I’m doing. I love getting to talk to my students. I love getting to see those aha moments.”

And I said, “I’ve never had a job like that before in my entire life.” I won’t say like I’ve lived completely out of alignment. And I really enjoyed a lot of being an oncology nurse. But I found at the end of the day I really just wanted to be a teacher.

Lauren: Yeah, and I think that’s a beautiful thing. And just a little prompt for people, if they’re wondering, well how do I find my thing?

Sarah: I like it. Tell me.

Lauren: Try to write things down of, you know, what are you doing when time seems to fly, and you don’t even notice that hours have gone by? What would you jump out of bed at 6am on a Saturday to do? Like, what would you not even think about? You know, kind of some people think like, “Oh, I don’t want to get up early on a Saturday.” Oh, but you have a flight to catch, you’ll get up at four in the morning. But really like what do you do when time is flying? What do you do that you’re not worried about the external things, I guess? And what makes you feel the way that you want to feel?

Sarah: What makes you consistently feel that way too?

Lauren: Exactly, if you think of, you know, the best version of myself. My ideal self is someone who’s calm, and confident, and certain, and bold. What are you doing when you feel that way?

Sarah: How can we create more of that too behind it?

Lauren:  Exactly. And you can go back to your qualification list of, you know, what have you gone through that has prepared you for what’s next? Because you might look at this qualification list and realize there’s so much that you’ve been through that has prepared you for something you didn’t expect.

Sarah: And it’s just sitting here waiting for you if you would embrace it.

Lauren: Exactly.

Sarah: So Lauren this conversation has even like far superseded what I hoped it would be. So number one, I want to say thank you for coming on the show. Number two, of course, how can my listeners get in touch with you?

And by the way, y’all should definitely check out her Instagram. There was a reel the other day, and I might butcher it, so if I butcher it let me know. But it was something along the lines of if you feel like everybody hates you, you need sleep. And if you feel like you hate everybody, you need to eat. And I don’t think like social media has ever resonated with me so hard at one time.

Lauren: Yep, I’ll coach you in all the areas. Any life advice, any mindset tips. I still can’t help myself but throw in some health and fitness stuff. And you see a lot of mom life too, it’s all good. But thank you so much for inviting me, this was wonderful. You’ll have to come on mine some time.

Sarah: Yeah, absolutely. Is there like a website or anything specific? Or is Instagram the way to go?

Lauren: Yeah. So Instagram is your coach Lauren, it has a link to my website, my podcast, all the things. My website is just And I’m sure she’ll link it below so you can find me.

Sarah: All right, all the good things. Thank you so much again, I really, really appreciate you coming today.

Lauren: Yeah, thank you.

Sarah: All right guys, I’ll talk to you next week.

As an extra bonus, friends, if you’re looking for support no matter what phase of your nurse practitioner journey that you’re currently in, I have communities available for both students and new nurse practitioners. In these communities we work to uplift one another and grow this profession together every single day. Links to join will be included for you in the show notes.

Thanks for listening to Becoming a Stress-Free Nurse Practitioner. If you want more information about the different types of support we offer to students and new NPs, visit See you next week.

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