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A Comprehensive Review of Cognitive Impairment Screenings for Nurse Practitioners

As a nurse practitioner caring for older patients, it’s crucial that you know how to use cognitive impairment screenings.

We understand that determining who should be screened, which tests to use, and when can be challenging. But don’t worry, we’re here to assist you every step of the way!

In this Sarah Michelle NP video, “Mind Check: A Comprehensive Review of Cognitive Impairment Screenings for Nurse Practitioners,” NP Brittany reviews several of the different cognitive impairment screenings, and gives you some great information about who should be screened, when to use particular tests, and how they are scored:

This video is a must-see for nurse practitioners who need to learn more about cognitive impairment and how to screen for it. Brittany lays out the basics, including how to define cognitive impairment and mild cognitive impairment. She also lists what symptoms to be on the lookout for and discusses who should be evaluated.  

She provides great information about the different cognitive impairment screenings nurse practitioners should be familiar with, including the Mini-Cog, the General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (GPCOG), the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). Brittany explains how the tests differ, which ones should be used for initial screenings, and those that are used to conduct more in-depth assessments. She also tells you how the tests are scored and what counts as a good or bad score on each test. It’s absolutely essential information any real deal NP should be familiar with so that you can create more effective treatments for your older patients!