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Inside the Exciting World of Interventional Radiology: A Day in the Life of a Nurse Practitioner!

How does a nurse practitioner obtain a job in interventional radiology, and what is their daily life like? How can a NP find a field to work in, maybe even two, while working as an integral part of a medical team? 

In this SMNP YouTube video,Inside the Exciting World of Interventional Radiology: A Day in the Life of a Nurse Practitioner,” FNP Briana explains how she did it, and offers some advice for how you can, too.

In the video, Briana runs through how she landed a job as an NP in interventional radiology. She discusses the importance of networking, marketing yourself, making sure your resume stands out, and gives you detailed examples of the difference those things make when it comes to your career.

She also discusses how important it is to attend NP events, going out of your way to meet people to let them know what interests you career wise. Plus, she offers you some great advice on how to distinguish yourself from other job candidates, including some tips on etiquette that can help you land that dream job.

You’ll also see how a NP in interventional radiology can grow into an integral part of a medical practice, and even start working in a second specialty. Briana gives you a great sense of what her daily life is like, the types of patients she sees, her consults and procedures, and the staff she works with. She also explains how being a specialist helps her maintain her primary care skills, along with some tips on what you can do to maintain those skills once you specialize.

So, if you’re a NP interested in working interventional radiology, or just wondering what you can do to find a specialty to work in, this video is a great resource for you! Briana encourages you, that if you do it right, so many doors can open for you! And, the satisfaction you’ll have in your daily work once you find a field to specialize in.